If you want to set up a business in Memphis, there are several logical and important steps you need to follow. The first is to write a business plan so that you can focus on how you will succeed which should include what you want to do, what the competition is doing, how you will […]
How Do I Sue for Broker Fraud in Memphis?
Fraud comes in many different forms but one of the most egregious and relatively common forms it takes is investment fraud, also known as broker or stockbroker fraud. This type of fraud occurs when a stockbroker or other kind of investment advisor provides biased, inaccurate, or incomplete information about a particular investment in a way […]
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?
Sexual harassment in the workplace is something that can be difficult to define. There are of course situations in which sexual harassment is obvious and others in which it is not so cut and dried. From a legal standpoint, however, sexual harassment in Memphis, Tennessee is considered a form of discrimination that is based on […]